Millennials and moderation don’t seem to mix. We binge everything – binge drinking, binge streaming, binge eating, binge shopping, binge scrolling on social media…Everything we do is all or nothing and moderation is scarce.
Let’s start with binge drinking
Any of my friends who drink (which is 99% of my friends) binge drink. No one casually has a glass of wine with dinner, it’s the entire bottle. We don’t go out and have “1 drink” we have 7. I think it is because my generation is so damn boring and filled with unoriginal thought that we have to drink to make it interesting. That’s why I drink anyway.
Binging Netflix shows
THIS IS GREAT WHAT A GREAT THING. Or is it? No one needs to sit in front of a tv or a computer for more than 2 hours at a time, but we do it because it’s so damn accessible. We wind up cramming so much information into our brains that talking about tv shows in conversation becomes difficult because we’re so filled with information. Remember when shows would come on cable once a week and you would talk about “last week’s episode” with your friends? It could last hours. Now, people talk about a show for 15 minutes max.
Binge eating
Everyone I know is always on some new diet or trying to eat clean…and then what do…they do they “binge”. If someone has a vacation coming up they go on a diet just so they can fill their body with sugary drinks and fried cheese dogs. THIS IS NOT GOOD, your not doing anything good for your body. I don’t do that, maybe because I have the metabolism of a 12 year old boy, but also because eating disorders have taught me if I want the french fries, eat the french fries. Do it all in moderation, not eat a salad the entire week then eat an entire large plate of cheese fries in 5 minutes. That is not good physically or mentally. Have a salad and a side of fries-moderation. Make lifestyle choices not “diets” that won’t stick.
Binge shopping
Oh the deep dark depths of amazon prime and nastygal. There’s conveniently ALWAYS a sale. I do not know many people who “healthy shop”, as in people who can go into target and just buy one thing. It’s because growing up in this generation our parents taught us to be mindful of money and work hard, but then our peers and advertisers are all yelling “TREAT YO SELF”, I often fall into this trap and end up feeling guilty for spending $150 in under 10 minutes. I’m learning to put things in my amazon cart and SLOWLY buy what I really want over time. It’s more exciting because MORE MAIL, and it’s a lot better for my bank account and brain.
Lastly, binging social media
This is something I haven’t done in a long time because once they deleted vine there was nothing else for me out there but I do know that once you click on one social platform you get curious about whats going on in another, and you go down a deep dark rabbit hole. I have a lot of issues with social media. Being a creative person filling my head with too many things that aren’t ‘organic thoughts’ tends to screw me up. It’s rare for me to go on a social media platform and feel inspired, I usually just feel sad. All of these platforms are filling our heads with unrealistic expectations of people and how our lives should be. There is also way too many opinions out there, and news…ugh gtg. Personally, I do not think social media is a good place for me, so I’ve given it some distance as far as scrolling endlessly.
Point is, moderation is something I think we all need to look at and really think about how our binging tendencies are effecting us mentally. Pay attention to how you feel before you do something and how you feel after it. I’m going to start off with having 1 glass of wine and only 1 (lord give me strength).
xo Tenney
Listen to my new podcast “Little Talks” Here’s the first ever episode:
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